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  • Event: BioArt - Kunst aus dem LaborInstitution:, ORF and ARTEComment:
  • "Face tomorrow" Conference 5-9 August 2007, Exhibition 7-9 August 2007.
  • "Evolve" Conference 11-15 August 2008, Exhibition 12-14 August 2008
  • ...Decode: Digital Design Sensations showcases the latest developments in digital and interactive design,...
  • FutureEverything at Media Festival Arts FutureEverything is presenting a Lounge, Panel, Artwork and Online Forum at Media Festival Arts, 8-10 September, Roundhouse London. The FutureEverything Online Forum is live from 2nd September (12 noon) and
  • The Biennale of Electronic Arts, Perth (BEAP) is a new media arts festival held every 2 years for 3 months, spanning Perth Western Australia and is widely recognised as the premiere electronic arts event in the Asia Pacific region. 1 September - 7
  • "Network your Senses" Conference 3-7 August 2009, Exhibition 4-6 August 2009.
  • Conference 25-29 July 2010 , Exhibition 26-29 July 2010.
  • "Make it Home" Conference 7-11 August, Exhibition 9-11 August.
  • Conference 5-9 August 2012, Exhibition 7-9 August 2012.