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  • Telematic Connections -
    ...Event: Telematic ConnectionsInstitution: Oklahoma City Art MuseumComment:
  • ... France. This exhibition invites visitors to imagine the stages of Vilém Flusser’s nomadic life as a model of the force of the connections we call the twentieth century. Artists Danièle Akmen, Edmar de Almeida, Louis Bec, Michael Bielicky, Gabriel Borba, Jürgen...
  • Recycle a Boeing -
    ... in London. With increasing numbers of aircraft flying over the city coupled with the desire to increase cheap and frequent connections between Nantes and other EU cities, RECYCLE A BOEING / RECYCLING A BOEING will deconstruct the subject of mobility,...
  • ...Event: Bodies as Border: Traces and Flows of ConnectionInstitution: Urban Screen, Surrey Art GalleryComment:
  • ... this resulted in an excellent range of proposals. The programme of online performances, which could be watched from internet-connected computers anywhere in the world, was augmented by “real-life access nodes” in 14 locations around the world.
  • ... in the picture of the present lies the possibility of the future. The face of the landscape, the picture of the garden, is connected with us, with people - the way we live, think, feel and act. A picture in which we ourselves move and into which is woven...
  • BIOS -
    ... four work groups shown in this exhibition, Banz & Bowinkel explore the relationship between the virtual and the real and its connection to the viewer. For this purpose, the artists use cutting-edge technology to create interactive works reflecting and...
  • ... the recent years, the thresholds of transition are graspable on various levels. However, can the belief in progress that is connected with technological development lead to paradisiacal conditions? Or do these virtually perfect worlds also evoke feelings of...
  • ... provocative and thoughtful, the juxtaposition of the contemporary art with historic surroundings vividly illuminates the connections between past and present. The artists’ interventions sharpen the mind and re-focus the vision, generating a new...
  • ... scientific solutions whilst unravelling problematic complexities. In creating these artworks: ‘Measure of Visibility’ and ‘Connectedness’, a mapping of intelligence systems disguised as human, this research strikes a visual analogy to the science and the system...