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  • ABANDON NORMAL DEVICES FESTIVAL OF NEW CINEMA AND DIGITAL CULTURE Abandon Normal Devices (AND) welcomes audiences to experience the best in new cinema and media art in a celebration that spills from screens and galleries into the streets and
  • Colmena -
    "Colmena" is a site-specific installation created by Martina Höfflin and Pascal Glissman, winners of the Pilar Juncosa and Sotherby's Award. About 100 analog creatures in hand-crocheted nests out of wire settled in trees of the mediterranean park up
  • In our post-future era of acceleration and densification of information, the state and nature of being live and online becomes one of the crucial definers of our social presence. Response and action are compressed into an existential here and now
  • The paper "Transmedia storytelling and online representations –issues of trust on the internet", describing the Re:Dakar Arts festival work was presented as a video talk during the conference.
  • Video Vortex #8 -
    Video Vortex #8 The Politics, Cultures and Art of Online Video Video Vortex #8 was held May 17th-19th, 2012, in the The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Croatia
  • The 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance took place 5-12 December 2012 and consisted of two parts: - “Walking backwards into the future” – remounted cyberformances from the past 5 festivals (5-11 December) - “Testing – 1 2, 1 2, 1 2” – new
  • The "UFF" situation took place in Graz, Austria from 17-22 May 2013 and was concerned with food generally, and more specifically with the industrialisation of Austrian farming practices and the impact of this on animal welfare, the environment, and
  • e-waste -
    The first "We have a Situation!" workshop series exploring the problem of e-waste and the creative potential of digital and online technologies took place in London between 19-22 March 2013 with the networked performative event on Saturday 23 March
  • Water e-Motion: Transformative Views, paper and online presentation by Lila Moore
  • Temos uma Questão! -
    In preparation for hosting the 2016 Olympic Games, Brazilian officials promised to clean up Guanabara Bay, where sailing, rowing and windsurfing competitions will be held. The water is heavily polluted, with nearly 70% of Rio de Janeiro’s untreated