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  • The landscape which contains and surrounds us is the creation of the human community. The garden is nature created by man, a thought created about the world, which appears through human will, is tended and in time, with the transformation of the
  • Event: Bibliotheca Insomnia. The Digital Bauhaus IIInstitution: Bauhaus-University Weimar Media Environments (Media Arts & Design)Comment:
  • Order and Rhythm -
    Event: Order and RhythmInstitution: Austin Desmond Fine ArtComment:
  • Event: Bauhaus Farbfest: SilberInstitution: Bauhaus DessauComment:
  • The World in 2050 -
    Video: Networked and Compassionate Eco-Noetic Environments: Art, Technology Design and Education Beyond Utopia
  • Paper: Techno-Spiritual Horizons: Compassionate Networked Art Forms and Noetic Fields of Cyborg Body and Consciousness
  • Event: Corpo, desejo e autorrepresentaçãoInstitution: Central Galeria de ArteComment:
  • The introduction of virtual reality has led to a pictorial revolution that is radically changing not only our perception of images, but also our relationship with reality. Accessible illusionary worlds conjured up in virtual spheres provide visitors
  • Event: Letteratura ElettronicaInstitution: Palazzo delle Arti di NapoliComment:
  • Alter Nature -
    Event: Alter NatureInstitution: Center for contemporary art and design - z33Comment: