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  • Event: Attakkalari India Biennial 2009Institution: Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts (ACMA) Comment:
  • “Synthetic images as an answer to Auschwitz” (“We Shall Survive in the Memory of Others”)1 asserted Vilém Flusser (1920–1991) forcefully in an interview shortly before his death. Only by passing through radical abstraction could a new
  • We come across irony all the time in everyday communication: in photos, caricatures, texts and conversations. Witty, critical or ironic comments are transformed into questioning works and words using the devices of under- and over-exaggeration,
  • Event: Meta.Morf 2010Institution: Trondheim Electronic Arts CenterComment:
  • Event: Nuit Blances 2015Institution: Nuit Blanches Comment:
  • Event: Wiener Festwochen 2017Institution: Wiener FestwochenComment:
  • "Unaussprechbarlich" was presented at the "Magdalena München - In Between" weekend, October 2016. Previously it was presented at Schwere Reiter Theater and Lothringer13 (both in Munich).
  • 080808, the second UpStage festival of online performance, took place on 8 August 2008, featuring 13 performances by artists from around the world, and RL access nodes in Wellington, Munich, Oslo and LA.
  • “Ins Universum der technischen Bilder” or “Lob der Oberflächlichkeit“ – with such programmatic titles Vilém Flusser (1920–1991) advanced to become one of the most influential thinkers to deal with communication and media in the 20th century. Flusser
  • Kunstfrühling 2014 -
    Marcello Mercado Van Gogh Variationen Die Installation setzt sich mit der Beziehung zwischen biologischen, technologischen und künstlerischen Formen auseinander. Mittels eines Systems von Datentransformation und –übersetzung, das in der Erschaffung