Archive Search

  • 1848 -
    ...Event: 1848Institution: Staedtische Galerie OffenburgComment:
  • ...Light object, project commissioned by the association (Förderverein) of the archive, museum and gallery of the city of Offenburg.
  • ARTEC 1999 -
    ...Event: ARTEC 1999Institution: ARTEC - International Biennale in NagoyaComment:
  • ...Event: Open Call 2121Institution: noemata.netComment:
  • Hodibis Potax -
    ... Galerie de la Médiathèque Elsa Triolet à Villejuif (Comment:
  • ...Event: adsdaInstitution: Contemporary art centre DEPOComment:
  • Animated Architecture -
    Lecturing on media art at New Technologies Lab at the University of Athens
  • Ruth Schnell, lecture: "SEHEN WIE MAN SEHEN"
    Part of the lecture series, "Differenzen"
  • Ruth Schnell, lecture: "Body Scanned Architecture - Perception in Movement"