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  • “Ins Universum der technischen Bilder” or “Lob der Oberflächlichkeit“ – with such programmatic titles Vilém Flusser (1920–1991) advanced to become one of the most influential thinkers to deal with communication and media in the 20th century. Flusser
  • Kunstfrühling 2014 -
    Marcello Mercado Van Gogh Variationen Die Installation setzt sich mit der Beziehung zwischen biologischen, technologischen und künstlerischen Formen auseinander. Mittels eines Systems von Datentransformation und –übersetzung, das in der Erschaffung
  • Event: Nuit Blances 2015Institution: Nuit Blanches Comment:
  • Event: Wiener Festwochen 2017Institution: Wiener FestwochenComment:
  • "Unaussprechbarlich" was presented at the "Magdalena München - In Between" weekend, October 2016. Previously it was presented at Schwere Reiter Theater and Lothringer13 (both in Munich).
  • 080808, the second UpStage festival of online performance, took place on 8 August 2008, featuring 13 performances by artists from around the world, and RL access nodes in Wellington, Munich, Oslo and LA.
  • The 11:11:11 UpStage Festival took place on 11th November 2011 (with a bit on the 10th and 12th, depending on where you are in the world). This was the 5th annual festival of cyberformance in UpStage.
    RECORD>AGAIN! 19.09.09–15.11.09 The exhibition of the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe (Centre for Art and Media Technology) continues its project of the technical and scientific processing of video art initiated by the ZKM in
  • RECORD > AGAIN! Part 2 18.07.2009 – 06.09.2009, ZKM | Media Museum, Project Room Description »RECORD > AGAIN! - - Part 2« concentrates on early German video art and shows numerous discoveries, which, for the most part, have no
  • ISEA 2011 Istanbul -
    Event: ISEA 2011 IstanbulInstitution: ISEA InternationalComment: