Archive Search

  • medi@terra 2006 -
    ... have multiplied, forming a platform with numerous applications in...
  • Media Facades -
    ... serve as a demonstrative test platform for the public. They invite a...
  • Media Forum 2006 -
    ... society, to the critic, to the power, to the temporality, and to the...
  • Mobilise/Demobilise -
    ... the creative process, the UpStage platform has been “mobilised” –...
  • ...Event: New Media ArtsInstitution: Platform GalleryComment:
  • Power -
    ...Event: PowerInstitution: Villette NumériqueComment:
  • Power Struggle -
    ...Event: Power StruggleInstitution: Musée d'art contemporainComment:
  • Power Struggle -
    ...Event: Power StruggleInstitution: Stanford Museum CenterComment:
  • Power Struggle -
    ...Event: Power StruggleInstitution: Stanford Museum CenterComment:
  • Power Struggle -
    ...Event: Power StruggleInstitution: LIVING ART MUSEUMComment: