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  • ...Ryoji Ikeda Exploring a new sensorium Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda creates at the extremes of sound, light and mathematics to produce complex...
  • Digital Photography -
    ...Event: Digital PhotographyInstitution: Gente de ArteComment:
  • Digital Art -
    ...Event: Digital ArtInstitution: Gente de ArteComment:
  • ...Works by Manifest.AR were shown in the exhibit “Invisible ARtaffects“ as part of FACT's 10th anniversary exhibit "Turning FACT Inside Out"
  • ...ond ManzanarInstitution: CRCA - Center for Research in Computing and the ArtsComment:
  • ...Event: Shenzhen New Media Arts FestivalInstitution: Shenzhen New Media Arts FestivalComment:
  • ArtPrize
    Top !0 Prize, Sustainability Award
  • Emergentes
    ... Fundación Telefónica, la muestra Emergentes que reúne a 10 artistas de latinoamérica dedicados al arte electrónico. El objetivo de...
  • ...A performative event by Tamiko Thiel and the U|D|K as Artist in Residence at Goethe-Institut Second Life
  • "Fusion02"
    ... the University of California/Los Angeles (UCLA,) with online participants from Australia, the USA, France, Belgium and Germany.