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  • Event: Open Art: El Arte después de la technologiaInstitution: Festival de la ImagenComment:
  • Technological advances were growing at an exponential rate, and electronic art had started to invariably succumb to the digital. To deal with these developments, the VideoFest had restructured itself: video, television and multimedia were now given
  • The fourth International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Rewire, was hosted by FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) and held in Liverpool, UK, from 28th September to 30th September 2011, In
  • The European Media Art Festival was held under this name for the first time in the European Film and Television Year of 1988. The concept envisaged offering visitors and participating artists an informative programme by jointly presenting different
  • Event: Quand les émotions deviennent formesInstitution: ACM Siggraph FranceComment:
  • Event: Bases de données urbaines, Réalité Virtuelle et Réalité AugmentéeInstitution: THD, Centre Georges PompidouComment:
  • In September 1989, for the second time Osnabrück hosted the European Media Art Festival, a forum that aimed to show and create free artistic spaces. Against the backdrop of media history, the intention of EMAF was to critically reflect upon the
  • To mark the start of the new decade, the European Media Art Festival presented a review of German experimental film and video art production from the 1980s, offering viewers the opportunity to see familiar works again and to perhaps rediscover and
  • This year, EMAF took a look beneath the "surface" and shed light on the handling of media from a variety of perspectives. No- und low-budget productions from the independent scene met films and videos produced with commercial cinema and
  • Event: Le devenir de l’A.M.E., la réalité virtuelle comme écosystème pour la création artistiqueInstitution: Couvent de La TouretteComment: