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  • Substance -
    We live today in an age of simulation as coined by French sociologist Jean Baudrillard. According to him, simulation is defined as the coinciding of appearance with reality. Thus, the boundaries between fiction and reality are blurred and
  • Osage Gallery at Photo Macau 2018 with Tamás Waliczky 24.03.2018 – 26.03.2018 Saturday 24.03.2018 13:00 - 18:00 VIP Preview and Reception 18:00 - 20:00 Invited Guests Only Sunday 25.03.2018 11:00 - 19:00; 1500 – 1600 Tamás Waliczky @ Symposium2:
  • TAMAS WALICZKY: CAMERAS AND OTHER OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS ANI MOLNÁR GALLERY 04.07.2018 – 29.09.2018 Opening: 04.07.2018, Wednesday at 6 pm. Opening speech by Miklós Peternák art historian Curated by Anna Szepesi art historian Tuesday to Friday 12 pm. -
  • Optical Instruments | Solo exhibition of Tamas Waliczky Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong Curated by Anna Szepesi Exhibition period: 5.10 - 11.11.2018 Opening: 5.10.2018 (Fri) 6-8 pm Artist talk: 6.10.2018 (Sat) 3-4:30 pm Guided tour with the artist:
  • What is transgenic art? How does it influence the landscape of contemporary visual art culture? What is the relationship between art, science, and life? This book focuses on important artistic developments brought forward by the use of genetic
  • 2000-6 Untitled PLACE: Japan PARTICIPANTS: Christa Sommerer, Director of the Art and Technology Project, ATR Research Laboratories, Science City; Masamichi Tosa; Nobumichi Tosa, brothers and founders of Maywa Denki, a musical group whose innovations
  • 2015 L'Art et le Numérique en Résonance 1/3, Convergence (15th January - 4th April 2015) at the Maison Populaire de Montreil Curator: Dominique Moulon Artists: Samuel Bianchini, Marie-Julie Bourgeois, Emilie Brout & Maxime Marion, Patra Cortright,
  • 2012 SHOW OFF LAB’ Edition 2012 (during the FIAC in Paris, October, 17th-21st 2012) Artists: Joseph Nechvatal, Pascal Dombis, Grégory Chatonsky, Miguel Chevalier, France Cadet, RYBN, Lydia Venieri, Julien Levesque, David Guez, Marika Dermineur &
  • 26. Oct. 2020 - 17. January 2021 UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China UCCA presents "Immaterial / Re-material", a group exhibition tracing the history, present, and future of computing art through more than 70 artworks by more than 30
  • 2012 Moscow Art Week, ART MOSCOW, 16 INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR "Science Art 2: Non&Digital" exhibition at Central House of Artists 22.–26.09. 2012 Curator: Erohin, S.V. - Moscow, Russia