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  • Twenty years ago, Mary Louise Pratt proposed the notion of a “contact zone” as a place where culture is negotiated and challenged. Art can bridge or destabilize disciplines and methods in ways that reframe histories and bring new insights. Still, on
  • On May 17, 2016, in EMPAC’s Goodman Studio, an evocative multi-media black box theatre work was presented that engaged the poetics of night. Ninety-two abstract architectural models interact on a luminous glass-surfaced interface-table to produce a
  • Artists: Morehshin Allahyari (IRN/US), Scott Benesiinaabandan (CA), Matias Brunacci (ARG/DE), Yu Hong (CHN), Francois Knoetze (ZA), Erin Ko (US) and Jamie Martinez (COL/US) Curators: Tina Sauerlaender (DE), Peggy Schoenegge (DE), and Erandy Vergara
  • Inspired by forms of animism, herbalism, panpsychism, and the care of sustenance networks, Badani’s 3D animations explore the intersectionality of the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2019, a bio-based symbiotic interaction unfolded in
  • The Thinking Machine -
    Large retrospective show with many artists from computer art history: Ai-Da Robot, Victor Acevedo, Vladimir Bonačić, Analivia Cordeiro, Pierre Cordier, Geoff Davis, Hans Dehlinger, Boris Eldagsen, Primavera de Filippi, Herbert W. Franke, Hein
  • Exhibiting artists: - Art Ex Machina (KAWANO Hroi shi, Georg NEES, Ken KNOWLTON, Manfred MOHR, Frieder NAKE, Manuel BARBADILLO) - KIMOTO Keiko - FUJIHATA Masaki - Tamás WALICZKY Curated by: TADA Kaori (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) Curatorial
  • Organizer: Sandrine Amiel, Parlement européen, Direction générale de la Communication Bureau en France, Paris Special thanks to Adrienne Éva Burányi, Director of Institute Liszt, Paris, Emma Bornai, Attachée culturelle of Institute Liszt, Paris, and
  • Can algorithms ensure greater neutrality and efficiency? Are they as free from human bias as we usually think? The exhibition ‘Codes and algorithms. Wisdom in a calculated world’ seeks to make sense of this phenomenon and it’s implications. n recent