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  • ... Highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet media lab »« and the »digital sparks« initiative. (source:... play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real and virtual space? How can...
  • Art Net Lab -
    ...Art Net Lab is a exhibition project of the Academy of arts and design of the Ljubljana University, Video-New media department of arts and design of the Ljubljana University, Video-New media department
  • Expanded Art No. 2 -
    ...Event: Expanded Art No. 2Institution: Academy of Media Arts CologneComment:
  • WRO 2000
    Theme: @kultura
  • BioARTCAMP -
    ...Event: BioARTCAMPInstitution: The Banff New Media Institute BNMIComment:
  • Les Quarxs
    ...Event: Les QuarxsInstitution: Médiascape 2 Symposium for the Media, Art and CultureComment:
  • Time_lapse -
    ...Event: Time_lapseInstitution: ATR Media Integration & Communications LaboratoriesComment: Event: Time_lapseInstitution: ATR Media Integration & Communications LaboratoriesComment:
  • FIRE -
    ...Art & Media
  • V2_001grounding -
    ...Event: V2_001groundingInstitution: V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaComment: Event: V2_001groundingInstitution: V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaComment:
  • World@rt -
    ...Event: World@rtInstitution: VR Media Lab Aalborg UniversityComment: Event: World@rtInstitution: VR Media Lab Aalborg UniversityComment: