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  • medi@terra 2006 -
    medi@terra festival dedicates its 7th edition to videogames and the crucial role they play in today’s digital culture. The fields affected by videogames have multiplied, forming a platform with numerous applications in different areas of reality:
  • This is the first significant survey of contemporary American art to explore critical issues related to women's health. Inside Out Loud consists of 51 artworks on loan from across the country by 30 artists in a range of media, including
  • Artist and filmmaker William Kentridge has earned international acclaim for creating distinctive animated films that address the political and cultural climate of his native South Africa. In Tide Table (recently acquired by The Rose), the artist
  • "META.morfosis" -
    META.morfosis Museum and Art in the Digital Era Duration: January 27th – June 2006 Curated by: António Cerveira Pinto Author(s): Various Print Press The META.morfosis project gathered the works of up to 26 outstanding artists whose
  • Microwave Media Art Festival 2003 - Hong Kong The "Microwave International Media Art Festival" is an international festival in HONG KONG, which aims to promote cultural exchange and appreciation of new media art. MIMFA - the annual video art
  • Event: "Discontinuidades" en el Museo Marq por Germán GómezInstitution: Marq Museum: Museo de Arquitectura de Buenos AiresComment:
  • Under the motto CONSPIRE... transmediale.08 aimed at examining dubious worlds of story-telling and remote opinion making in order to look critically at those means of creative conspiratorial strategies, that offer the potential to uncover new forms
  • In September 1989, for the second time Osnabrück hosted the European Media Art Festival, a forum that aimed to show and create free artistic spaces. Against the backdrop of media history, the intention of EMAF was to critically reflect upon the
  • In a time characterised by the loss of utopia and by major social and political change, creativity was called for – this was where artistic and philosophical concepts became increasingly important for creating new perspectives. Not the answer, but
  • Event: In the air: Control Room TempelhofInstitution: airport tower TempelhofComment: