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  • William Kentridge -
    ... theater, and opera is an exemplar of how separate media can function together as the... first floor is devoted to six films that make up a cycle exploring the lives of three...
  • ... in the personally discoverable periphery. How exactly to achieve this is a very pertinent... to be dis-located from a place and to make emotional and cognitive experience in various...
  • ... in the self-reflective question: how in future will the festival position itself in... film composition and scenery. What makes the festival so special, though, is the film...
  • ... Electronica, the festival that annually makes Linz the international center of media art....
  • ...-Polytope Vitra Version at Buckminster Fuller / T.C. Howard domeInstitution: Vitra Design...
  • 1985 Summer Show -
    ...Micro Arts Group works by Geoff Davis shown on a continuous display. Works show were MA1 "Abstract...
  • Media Forum 2001 -
    ... year which is certainly no anniversary. However, this brings its organizers both a great... experimental art in the environment that makes no allowance for age or the radicalism of...
  • William Kentridge -
    ... is in animated film. Kentridge makes large-scale charcoal drawings that he erases...
  • ... us want to remember things and, moreover, how can such places give rise to other memories... is it about these kinds of places that makes us want to remember things and, moreover,...
  • ... scene, along with young artists and film makers whose work has not been widely distributed....