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  • INS(H)NAK(R)ES -
    ... 2001 in Athens, Greece, during the event media@terra, as an artist of Brazilian representation This installation was mounted in November 2001 in Athens, Greece, during the event media@terra, as an artist of Brazilian representation
  • ...In: De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Collective exhibition) MARGS. 2013. Installation.
  • [in time time] -
    ... pit. The work was commissioned and funded by the Tarble Art Center Foundation. [in time time] is an installation involving large digital prints and two new media works: a split-screen video titled [8-bits], and a context...
  • William Kentridge -
    ...The exhibition William Kentridge offers a retrospective of the artist’s entire body of work, with particular emphasis on his latest pieces. It... works on view are Felix in Exile (1994); the video/dresser installation Sleeping on Glass (1999); Shadow Procession (2000), made...
    ...Julian Stadon, Erik Overmiere, Daniel Artamendi and V2_ TeleAgriCulture_RHIZOMATIC BIAS Installation Workshop Daniel Artamendi and V2_ TeleAgriCulture_RHIZOMATIC BIAS Installation Workshop
  • ...Interacitve Installation
  • StoryRooms -
    ...A group of internationally renowned media artists brings surreal, poetic and thought-provoking installation environments to Manchester, that... media artists brings surreal, poetic and thought-provoking installation environments to Manchester, that invite you to explore...
  • CrossWorlds -
    ...CrossWorlds, solo project, monumental installation in the Sancy National Parc, in the frame of Horizon projet, Auvergne, France, June -...
  • Creatures #4 -
    ... characters. The term is also used to refer to visual art in general based on text. Who is Pier Giorgio De Pinto? Pier... 16:00-21:00 Opening on Friday 6 May 2016 at 16:00 Interactive installation by Pier Giorgio De Pinto @ Keck-Kiosk Klybeckstrasse 1b,...
  • 8-Bit -
    ...Popular exhibition of 8-bit technology art featuring Micro Arts 1980s work, showing live generative art, along with 30 prints, displays of 1980s... With Sean Clark's interactive audio-visual art, and sound installation from Virtual Ground.