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Event: Open Media Art from the Screen to the Public SpaceInstitution: The End of Media, the Beginning of Art, Polytech.Science.ArtComment:
Event: “De la vidéo à la fusion critique”, What is the Future of the Image in Our Hands with Digital toolsInstitution: The Cinema Belongs to Us Conference, Mashup Film FestivalComment:
Event: 2014 CHCI Annual Meeting: Concept of Performance in New Media ArtInstitution: Chinese University of Hong KongComment:
Event: Art and Values SymposiumInstitution: City University of Hong Kong - Osage Art FoundationComment:
Event: New Technologies and the Future of HumanitiesInstitution: SCM and Dept of English, CityU HKComment:
Event: Spectateur(s) : Un Promeneur AugmentéInstitution: Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia and Paris 8 UniversityComment:
Event: Developing Common Stage International ForumInstitution: Zurich University of ArtComment:
Event: MWA2013 (#A2): Museums and the Web AsiaInstitution: The MW (MuseWeb)Comment: