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  • showing the work Future Room
  • ...Under the theme of "Revelation", ISEA2000 explored the effects of the technological revolution on art and its impact on society through new forms of representation such as digital imaging, multimedia, the virtuality, interactive installations and networks. ISEA2000...
  • Home Transnfer -
    ...HOME TRANSFER is a net-art web project that explores the intersection of home, architecture and new technologies. A dwelling made of bread and its parasitic invasion is used to investigate changing notions of place and presence. Host/Guest relations are established...
  • ...Event: Techspressionism: Digital and BeyondInstitution: Southampton Arts CenterComment:
  • CrypoMania -
    ...The exhibition’s title, Cryptomania, is a composite of the word Crypto, a technological trend that expresses the encryption of private information as a reaction to the digital world that offers no privacy, and the word Mania, which expresses the negative an irrational...
  • ... in the Department of Design at Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. Burbano holds a Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California Santa Barbara where he wrote a dissertation about media technology history in Latin...
  • ...The festival takes place every two years in major venues in contemporary creation and new technologies. Our first editions were carried out in Spain (2007-2012) at venues like the Reina Sofía National Museum in Madrid and Center for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona....
  • BIOS -
    ... between the virtual and the real and its connection to the viewer. For this purpose, the artists use cutting-edge technology to create interactive works reflecting and questioning the increasing dependency on tools. At the same time, the duo...
  • Future Perfect -
    ...Event: Future PerfectInstitution: Ammerman Center for Arts and TechnologyComment:
  • ...Event: Le corps techn(o)rganiqueInstitution: Transcodex FestivalComment: