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  • February: 15th Japan Media Arts Festival Exhibition of Award-winning Works Dates: February 22–March 4, 2012 Venue: The National Art Center, Tokyo (Roppongi, Tokyo), etc. Entries: 2,714 works (including 956 from overseas) Visitors: 51,828 people
  • Refresh! 2005 in Banff. Recognizing the increasing significance of media art for our culture, this Conference on the Histories of Media Art will discuss for the first time the history of media art within the interdisciplinary and intercultural
  • An interdisciplinary forum of over 70 researchers and artists from all over the world, re:place 2007 presents multiple historical relations between art, science and technology. The title ‘re:place’ refers to the sites and the migration of artistic
  • Responsive Architectures
  • in situ. art, body, medecine.
  • The 2008 Festival runs from May 29 to June 1st, with the Holography workshop occurring on the weekend previous, May 24 and 25th. Please use the tabs to your right to navigate our most current schedule. Note that the schedule is subject to change.
  • Event: Subtle Technologies 2009Institution: Subtle Technologies, Centre for Social InnovationComment:
  • Subtle Technologies 2010: Sustainability
  • Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology.The next iteration of the Media Art History conference is Re:live which is to be held in Melbourne, Victoria in 2009. The event follows the success of the two
  • The fourth International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Rewire, was hosted by FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) and held in Liverpool, UK, from 28th September to 30th September 2011, In