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  • Event: CURRENTS NEW MEDIA 2017Institution: El Museo CulturalComment:
  • Universidad de Caldas - CCC Theater Founders 13 International Image Festival revolves around the theme "Digital creation and post-conflict" which proposes to reflect on the role of art, design and technology companies today must find ways to overcome...
    21st International Symposium on Electronic Art, august 14th - 19th, 2015. ISEA2015’s theme of DISRUPTION invites a conversation about the aesthetics of change, renewal, and game-changing paradigms. We look to raw bursts of energy, reconciliation,...
  • AL GRANO: Formas de pensar Mundos, 2014, solo exhibition (images above and below) at the Centro de Museos de la Universidad de Caldas, commissioned by the Festival de la Imagen 2014, in Manizales, Colombia. A seed of transgenic corn represents an...
  • Event: XIII INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE IMAGEInstitution: Visual Design Department, Universidad de CaldasComment:
  • The daily meal is a powerful human institution and the family dinner table a site where food and home meld into an ‘intimate place’ of nurture. But, in times when climate change jeopardizes food security the question of ‘what will we eat in the...
  • Cologne OFF, 2012 -
    Screening of Al GRANO : Corn Regime, 2011, split screen documentary short film (7:37 duration). Venues: -CeC - Carnival of e-Creativity Sattal, -India (22-24 Feb 2013) -ExTeresa Arte Actual, Mexico City, Mexico (18 & 19 October 2012) -Fine Art Film...
  • Under the theme of "Revelation", ISEA2000 explored the effects of the technological revolution on art and its impact on society through new forms of representation such as digital imaging, multimedia, the virtuality, interactive installations and...
  • Home Transnfer -
    HOME TRANSFER is a net-art web project that explores the intersection of home, architecture and new technologies. A dwelling made of bread and its parasitic invasion is used to investigate changing notions of place and presence. Host/Guest relations...
  • make-A-move is an interactive, video installation composed of two encased screens conceived for exhibition in public space. Two animated portraits - a female and a male - react to the movements of passersby and express passivity, suspicion, surprise,...