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  • Layers of Visibility -
    Between 2013 and 2017, a series of artists associated with the University of Plymouth, UK, responded to Cyprus through residencies at Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre. The works included in the exhibition and publication indicate a range of different
  • Eine Skulptur schwebt in einer digitalen Umgebung im Raum und verändert dabei ständig ihre Größe oder Oberflächenbeschaffenheit. Solch ein Bildwerk kann in der realen Welt mit ihren physikalischen Gegebenheiten nicht existieren. Diese Möglichkeiten
  • The introduction of virtual reality has led to a pictorial revolution that is radically changing not only our perception of images, but also our relationship with reality. Accessible illusionary worlds conjured up in virtual spheres provide visitors
  • Banz & Bowinkel, Ivana Bašić, Paul Chan, Frauke Dannert, Harun Farocki, Olga Fedorova, Johann Kniep, Marc Lee, Manuel Roßner, Gerriet K. Sharma, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Addie Wagenknecht In autumn 2018, the Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien will
  • Cylinder & Bots -
    Within their artistic work Giulia Bowinkel (*1983) and Friedemann Banz (*1980) explore the human perception of the digitally augmented real world. Within their generated scenarios, the computer functions both as tool and topic. The solo exhibition
  • With Virtual Reality (VR) a fundamental change is taking place in the digital age. Through the VR glasses people enter a new world instead of only looking at it on a flat screen. The human pursuit of immersion already demonstrated within the
  • BIOS -
    Roehrs & Boetsch is pleased to present Banz & Bowinkel’s first solo exhibition ‘BIOS’ at the gallery. ‘BIOS’ stands for Basic Input/Output System, which is the first program a computer’s microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after
  • Solo Exhibition -
    2019 Solo Show at BEALL Art Center Feb. 8, 2019 - May 2019 Curator: David Familian Works: Fly Simulator, Neuro Mirror, Portrait in the Fly, Interactive Plant Growing, Noise and Smoke, Fly Portraits (of Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel, Christiane Paul,
  • 2000-6 Untitled PLACE: Japan PARTICIPANTS: Christa Sommerer, Director of the Art and Technology Project, ATR Research Laboratories, Science City; Masamichi Tosa; Nobumichi Tosa, brothers and founders of Maywa Denki, a musical group whose innovations
  • 2016 PLUNC 2016 New Media and Digital Art Festival (29. Sept - 2. Oct. 2016) With works by: Artica CC, Thomas Grogan, anaa colectivo, Antonio Quiroga Waldthaler, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Nuno Correia, Monica Vlad, Tiago Rorke e