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  • The Machinista festival celebrates artificial intelligence in the arts, presenting an international selection of works where the machine plays an essential role in the creative process.
  • Event: The 8th New York Digital Salon in MadridInstitution: New York Digital SalonComment:
  • "I smoked my first cigarette here. For years, I saw every single film at the Westdeutsche Kurzfilmtage, looking forward to those days in Oberhausen every year . These events were important for me, for my decision to become a filmmaker." Wim Wenders
  • ARTEC 95 -
    Three main categories emerged in ARTEC '95: 1. sculptures and environments emulating life or protolife; 2. portraits and interpretations derived from the world at large; and 3. performances and displays of invented image. The Biennale continued to
  • Videonale 5 -
    "The Golden Seed" shown as The Golden Egg or perhaps as "The Golden I"
  • Siggraph 1989 -
    Event: Siggraph 1989Institution: ACM SiggraphComment:
  • Event: 100Days100ImachinationsInstitution: Walter Storms GalerieComment:
  • Event: OP_ERA: Sonic DimensionInstitution: Beall Center for Art and Technology University of California IrvineComment:
  • Sonar Festival 2000 -
    Event: Sonar Festival 2000Institution: SONAR. Advanced Music and Multimedia ArtsComment:
  • Performance at the Stage for Music Visualisation of the Digital Beethoven-House