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  • Event: Emotion et interactivitéInstitution: table ronde, IMAGINA, Paris, February 2000Comment:
  • Event: L'attente des artistes face aux technologiesInstitution: Table ronde PRIAMM, IMAGINAComment:
  • Event: Sommerer, Christa, Lecture at AROB 5th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics Conference, Oita, JapanInstitution: Oita UniversityComment:
  • The CD-Rom plays a particularly challenging role in these developments. In providing artists with a broader "bandwidths" and more extensive data bases than can yet be readily accessed on the internet, the format of the CD-Rom challenges artists to
  • Event: Dennis del Favero: Foreign BodiesInstitution: Kunstverein RosenheimComment:
  • Event: This Applicance Must Be EarthedInstitution: Royal College of ArtComment:
  • Rewind to the future -
    Rewind to the future mit Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Dara Birnbaum, Klaus vom Bruch, Peter Campus, Luc Courchesne, Jordan Crandall, Stan Douglas, Douglas Gordon, Dan Graham, Ingo Günther, Gary Hill, Nan Hoover, Felix Stephan Huber / Philip Pocock, Jodi ,
  • William Kentridge -
    Die bereits vor zwei Jahren konzipierte Ausstellung von William Kentridge hätte im Vorjahr in der Neuen Galerie Graz gezeigt werden sollen, was jedoch aufgrund des verzögerten Umbaus der Neuen Galerie nicht möglich war. William Kentridge war
  • William Kentridge -
    The ensemble, this catalogue and the exhibition document the rich production of work by William Kentridge (Johannesburg, 1955), and especially show that each one of his activities are a way of returning to the act of drawing, an act the artist has
  • Autobiography -
    Event: AutobiographyInstitution: Robert McLaughlin GalleryComment: