Archive Search

  • Stand by Me -
    Event: Stand by MeInstitution: GALERIE DER KÜNSTLERComment:
  • Event: Worlds Beyond Here: The Expanding Universe of APA Science FictionInstitution: Wing Luke MuseumComment:
  • iX Sympoium -
    Event: iX SympoiumInstitution: Society of Art and Technology (SAT)Comment:
    The immersion in virtual worlds has become an integral part of various areas of life that confront us with an altered and expanded reality. The boundaries between physical and virtual space are increasingly blurred. It is this phenomenon that the
  • iX Symposium -
    Event: iX SymposiumInstitution: SAT, Société des arts technologiques de MontrealComment:
  • Digital Art Space -
    Event: Digital Art SpaceInstitution: Digital Art SpaceComment:
  • Digital Art Space -
    Director Karin Wimmer
    Event: SUMMER SPLASH 6Institution: DAM GalleryComment:
  • Event: Our Duty is to Experiment - 20th anniversary group showInstitution: Gallery Priska PasquerComment:
  • Ecodata -
    Event: EcodataInstitution: RIXC Art Science FestivalComment: