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  • ...The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Renew, will be hosted by RIXC and held in Riga, Latvia, October 8 – 11, 2013, coinciding with the international festival for new media culture Art+Communication. It will host three...
  • ...The 4th annual Subtle Technologies Conference is an opportunity for scientists and artists to come together and share each others language in those areas which are still searching for definitions, explanations and meaning. This conference blurs the boundaries between...
  • Science + Fiction -
    ...2005 "Science + Fiction" (curated by Stefan Iglhaut and Thomas Spring) Studium Generale, Technische Universität Eindhoven - Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • ...Event: Etopia Center for Art & Technology (opening 21st September 2017)Institution: Zaragoza City of Knowledge FoundationComment:
  • Wiener Wunderkammer -
    ...Event: Wiener WunderkammerInstitution: Technische Universität WienComment:
  • ...Event: Festival Art & TechnologyInstitution: Espace Jean Legendre Comment:
  • ...Event: Binaera: 14 Interactions - Art and TechnologyInstitution: Kunsthalle WienComment:
  • ...The main Festival days (Friday May 25, Saturday May 26 and Sunday May 27) have each different related themes: Friday May 25: Art, technology & science ideas, selected from a variety of different fields Saturday May 26: Biology and Art — artists and scientists who...
  • ... presenting different media and approaches. Developments evolving from the mutual influence of art, culture, society and technology were also to be highlighted. Current tendencies in the area of experimental and ambitious media work were demonstrated...
  • ... to be drawn from the source material. The artists had combined the creative possibilities of film, video and computer technology in such a way that the previous aesthetic and formal definitions of film and video art had to be discussed anew. EMAF’s...