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  • Lifelike -
    ...Event: LifelikeInstitution: New Langton ArtsComment:
  • Mediterraneans -
    ...Event: MediterraneansInstitution: MACRO (Musea D`Arte Contemporanea Roma)Comment:
  • ...Event: Pockets Full of MemoriesInstitution: The Montreal Museum of Fine ArtsComment:
  • ...Presentation of the artists work as part of this international conference on computer and communications technology mediated creative textual...
  • NetSpace -
    ...Exhibition of the artist's work "Recombinant Icon" as part of this international group exhibition on artists' creative work with...
  • ...The selection of Internet-based art for the 2002 Biennial strives to give an impression of the variety of forms that net art can take and of the...
  • Document B -
    Life has a beginning, a middle and an end. Our minds and memories see time pass in a narrative stream, moving from a beginning towards a close, and this pattern informs our concepts – and our preconceptions. But can we really confirm our lives as we
  • ...Expected date for completion of large scale permanent artwork commissioned for the new Norman Foster designed world headquarters of Allen and...
  • ...Presentation of the artist's work at a public show and tell lecture. (source:
  • The Magic Flute -
    ... is explored and continued in a newly commissioned work by the artist recently completed for the Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin: Black...