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  • Event: 28th Cambridge Film FestivalInstitution: BFI British Film InstituteComment:
  • Animal Nature is an exhibition concept that has developed out of an ongoing, expanding web-project entitled Criminal Animal found at Criminal Animal is intended to bring together a wide range of artists, critics, scholars
  • No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents Z.A.K For No Soul For Sale 2010 Friday 14 May 2010, 10.00–00.00 Saturday 15 May 2010, 10.00–00.00 Sunday 16 May 2010, 10.00–18.00 To celebrate Tate Modern's 10th anniversary, the gallery will host
  • Event: FILE - Electronic Language International Festival 2016Institution: FILE - Electronic Language International FestivalComment:
  • Event: Barcelona Planet Film FestivalInstitution: Barcelona Planet Film FestivalComment:
  • Event: fotoJueves-La Ficción como Metáfora del MundoInstitution: Centro Colombo Americano de BogotáComment:
  • Event: Reserch in Medium Of Moving ImagesInstitution: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLFComment:
  • ABANDON NORMAL DEVICES FESTIVAL OF NEW CINEMA AND DIGITAL CULTURE Abandon Normal Devices (AND) welcomes audiences to experience the best in new cinema and media art in a celebration that spills from screens and galleries into the streets and
  • In the FILE 2002 - electronic language international festival are exposed hundreds of interactive works. Most of them are online works, web art, net art, VRML, hypertexts, artificial intelligence, simulations and others. To see the 2002 works you
  • Under the motto CONSPIRE... transmediale.08 aimed at examining dubious worlds of story-telling and remote opinion making in order to look critically at those means of creative conspiratorial strategies, that offer the potential to uncover new forms