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  • This year, EMAF took a look beneath the "surface" and shed light on the handling of media from a variety of perspectives. No- und low-budget productions from the independent scene met films and videos produced with commercial cinema and
  • To mark its 20th anniversary, the congress part of EMAF called "D-Fluxx" presented not only a kind of inventory entitled "Media Art History", but also a definition of the current position of Media Art. The film programme focused on the Cuban
  • Event: Art et Internet, Nouvelles pratiques transactionnellesInstitution: Institut FrançaisComment:
  • Event: Quand les émotions deviennent formesInstitution: ACM Siggraph FranceComment:
  • Event: The Art ColliderInstitution: Workshop, San Francisco Art InstituteComment:
  • Event: Practices in mutations, from Video to Critical FusionInstitution: San Francisco Art InstituteComment:
  • Event: Works, from Virtual Reality to Critical FusionInstitution: San Francisco Art InstituteComment:
  • 2011 – the year of the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan – but also the year of celebrations to mark 150 years of friendship between Germany and Japan. EMAF joined in the festivities by presenting the programme “Japanese Media Art Now”,
  • ARTEC 97
    The theme concept of the Biennale is 'THE GARDEN: The Successors to Eden', the Biennale proposed the idea of a 'meta-garden': the environment of the near future and unconscious landscapes concealed in close and familiar spaces. The main contents of
  • Event: La Mécanique des émotionsInstitution: Institut Français de BerlinComment: