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  • ...Event: European Workshop on Culture and TechnologyInstitution: ISTComment:
  • Media Facades -
    ... on media facades and an architecture exhibition the event will promote a multi-disciplinary action research approach to technology, architecture and media art in modern cities. URBAN SCREENINGS ON MEDIA FACADES IN BERLIN Media facades are a new...
  • ...Event: Créations interactivesInstitution: IIème symposium mondial des technologies de l'information (FWS) Comment:
  • ...: Nouveaux systèmes d'imagerie en 3 dimensionsInstitution: applications développements et perspectives, IIème symposium mondial des technologies de l'information (FWS)Comment:
  • ...Event: L'attente des artistes face aux technologiesInstitution: Table ronde PRIAMM, IMAGINAComment:
  • ...Event: Virtual Reality and ArtInstitution: Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), University College LondonComment:
  • ...Event: Nouvelles technologies, image et réseauxInstitution: journées AMCSTI, Cité des Sciences de la VilletteComment:
  • ...Event: Virtual CommunitiesInstitution: Madeira TechnopoloComment:
  • ... these processes, but to examine the need for a fundamental shift in cultural perception with respect to nature, culture and technology. With DEEP NORTH, transmediale.09 focused on the impact and unavoidable consequences of this pending global transformation...
  • ... when things are not working together. Given the current worldwide proclamations of crisis, be they political, financial, technological or environmental, it may seem as if incompatible elements and situations are everywhere, that everything is failing....