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  • Eduardo Kac -
    curator: Angel Kalenberg Reconocido internacionalmente por sus instalaciones interactivas y por sus trabajos de bio arte, Eduardo Kac explora la fluidez de la posición del sujeto en el mundo postdigital, cuestionando la evolución, la memoria y hasta
  • Flower Strips -
    Event: Flower StripsInstitution: Kunsthalle ErfurtComment:
  • Drawing Out Summer -
    Event: Drawing Out SummerInstitution: Henrique Faria Fine ArtsComment:
  • Drawing Out Summer -
    Supported by Artsy
  • Sense-Fiction -
    Event: Sense-FictionInstitution: Le TripostalComment:
  • Brot und Spiele -
    English title, 'Bread and Circuses'
  • Digital Poetry -
    Event: Digital PoetryInstitution: Galerie SatelliteComment:
  • Baneful Medicine -
    Event: Baneful MedicineInstitution: Anya and Andrew Shiva GalleryComment:
  • Event: Big Botany: Conversations with the plant worldInstitution: Spencer Museum of ArtComment:
  • ‘Artists’ Conquest’ is the first in a new exhibition series organised by the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections) and the Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen (State Palaces, Castles and Gardens of Saxony).