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  • Pieter-Rim de Kroon, Julien Devaux, Jean-Charles Fitoussi, Jean-Luc Godard, Ellen Harvey, Takehito Koganezawa, Malcolm Le Grice, Marcello Mercado, Anne-Marie Miéville, Vincent Monnikendam, Jacco Olivier, Jos Stelling, Straub/Huillet »
  • Event: Festival Horizons numériques / Abbaye de l’Escaladieu - Bonnemazon (France)Institution: Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KGComment:
  • Event: Festival Horizons numériques / Abbaye de l’Escaladieu - Bonnemazon (France)Institution: Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KGComment:
  • Eine Skulptur schwebt in einer digitalen Umgebung im Raum und verändert dabei ständig ihre Größe oder Oberflächenbeschaffenheit. Solch ein Bildwerk kann in der realen Welt mit ihren physikalischen Gegebenheiten nicht existieren. Diese Möglichkeiten
  • Home Transnfer -
    HOME TRANSFER is a net-art web project that explores the intersection of home, architecture and new technologies. A dwelling made of bread and its parasitic invasion is used to investigate changing notions of place and presence. Host/Guest
  • 2012 MUSEUM VILLA ROT (25.March.2012 until 17.June.2012) Exhibition: "Jäger und Gejagte," Curator: Stefanie Dathe Artists: Jennifer Angus, Jana Eske, Jan Fabre, Tessa Farmer, Lili Fischer, Kirsten Geisler, Douglas Gordon, Cornelia Hesse-Honegger,
  • 2010 MNBA National Museum of Fine Arts “Magic Eye – Dissolving Borders” a communication project by Sommerer & Mignonneau from September 7th 2010 curator: Esperanza Rapport Supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria on the occasion of
  • Hors Pistes analiza el universo del deporte desde un prisma político y crítico —desarrollando paralelismos con la sociedad— al tiempo que poético, sobre la reapropiación por parte de los artistas de las formas, códigos e imaginario del deporte, para
  • Look at This -
    The exhibition LOOK AT THIS invites visitors to reflect critically on the multitude of links between a work of art, the public, the space and the institution. At the same time, the show questions firmly established (western) perceptions. LOOK AT
  • Inspired by forms of animism, herbalism, panpsychism, and the care of sustenance networks, Badani’s 3D animations explore the intersectionality of the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2019, a bio-based symbiotic interaction unfolded in