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  • ...Event: Theory and Practice of Media Art: Aesthetic Parergons and...
  • Transcodex -
    ...Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata TheaterComment: Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata TheaterComment:
  • Transcodex -
    ...Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata theaterComment: Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata theaterComment:
  • Transcodex -
    ...Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata TheaterComment: Event: TranscodexInstitution: Petralata TheaterComment:
  • ...Incompatibility is the condition arising when things are not working together....
  • ... and society are changing under the influence of media and technologies...
  • ... and more specifically with the industrialisation of Austrian...
  • ... presented at Schwere Reiter Theater and Lothringer13 (both in Munich). "Unaussprechbarlich" was presented at the "Magdalena München - In Between"...
  • Unreal -
    ... Will virtual reality make the human body superfluous at some...
  • ... creative practitioners engage the emotions of the audience/user. What...