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Event: ISMAR 2011: 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityInstitution: Congress Center BaselComment:
Event: VII International Symposium on Art Criticism in a Global WorldInstitution: MACBA, BarcelonaComment:
Event: KEEP Joining Forces: International Expert Workshop about Digital PreservationInstitution: Computerspiele MuseumComment:
Event: CIHA 2012: 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art - The Challenge of the ObjectInstitution: Germanisches NationalmuseumComment:
Event: Panoramen - Measured WorldsInstitution: Kunstmuseum BaselComment:
Event: 26. Österreichischer Historikerinnen- und HistorikertagInstitution: Danube University KremsComment:
Event: All About Imaging: TransactionsInstitution: University of WestminsterComment:
Event: Portable RealityInstitution: HeK Haus der elektronischen Künste BaselComment: