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  • Profile Intermedia 4 -
    International Designconference and exhibition. Topic: motion e)motion emotion.
  • Artifices 4 -
    Event: Artifices 4Institution: Universitè Paris VIII / Vincennes Saint-DenisComment:
  • Event: CULT 2001: Exploring an interface between Cultural heritage, Net art and State of the art projectsInstitution: CultureNet DenmarkComment:
  • ...Event: Arte Virtual - Realidad PluralInstitution: Museo de arte...
  • A-Volve -
    Event: A-VolveInstitution: KAH Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik DeutschlandComment:
  • Medi@terra 1999 -
    Pendulum Symposium Mediterranean and Balkan Art & Technology Festival MEDIA = The image of the world, an image elaborated according to the circumstances. The high point of 21st-century culture. The face of modern technology, the homo communicus of
  • Blue Stage -
    Sound, film, music, photography and images, text: the Blue Stage interactive installation presents an innovative model for the multimedia representation of cultural themes. Here, new kinds of interaction of between man and networked knowledge are
  • Artifices 1 -
    Event: Artifices 1Institution: Universitè Paris VIII / Vincennes Saint-DenisComment:
  • Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; Project Studios One (P.S.1), New York; Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof; Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin; Haus der Kunst, München