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  • D3US EX M4CH1NA. Art and Artificial Intelligence LABoral Centro de Arte de Creación Industrial, Gijón (Spain) November 22, 2010 – May 16, 2020 Memo Akten, Harold Cohen, Jake Elwes, Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Felix Luque, Lauren McCarthy, Anna Ridler,
  • An Ascent
  • 2 lectures (Oliver Jahraus, Thomas Dreher), 2 actions (FLATZ, Alexeij Sagerer & proT)
    Event: SIGGRAPHInstitution: ACM SiggraphComment:
  • Permanent Exhibition -
    Event: Permanent ExhibitionInstitution: Museum of ScienceComment:
  • Event: Kutxa Museum of Science permanent collectionInstitution: Kutxaespacio de la CienciaComment:
  • L'homme transforme -
    Event: L'homme transformeInstitution: Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • Event: Sistemes Vius. Solo Exhibition featuring A-Volve, Eau de Jardin, Phototropy, Life Spacies II, Mobile Feelings II.Institution: Arts Santa MònicaComment:
  • Selphish. L'exposition de soi Mécènes du sud Montpellier-Sète, May 20th to August 22nd, 2020 Artists: Martin John Callanan, Alix Desaubliaux, Lauren Lee McCarthy Curators : Thierry Fournier and Pau Waelder Participants : Franck Ancel, Flora
  • Real Time. Art en temps real Arts Santa Mònica 28.01 – 10.04.2016 Artists: Guillem Bayo, Clara Boj i Diego Díaz, Martin John Callanan, Grégory Chatonsky, Thierry Fournier, Varvara Guljajeva i Mar Canet, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Nicolas Maigret, Katie