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  • Theme: Lux Aeterna
  • ...Event: transmedia '97Institution: TransmedialeComment:
  • Under the motto CONSPIRE... transmediale.08 aimed at examining dubious worlds of story-telling and remote opinion making in order to look critically at those means of creative conspiratorial strategies, that offer the potential to uncover new forms
  • Looking beyond the alarmist scenarios of environmental, social and economic catastrophes to be expected in the wake of global warming, the essential question isn't that of how to avoid these processes, but to examine the need for a fundamental shift
  • ...Within a short time the VideoFest has become one of the most important international video festivals. The programme consisted of works covering...
  • ... or selections from fields like interactive media and computer animation that break down boundaries.
  • ... definers of our social presence. Response and action are compressed into an existential here and now triggering a durée of...
  • ... is failing. Ironically, it is the supposedly ever-more compatible media-scape, where everything connects, that render such...
  • The net jargon acronym BWPWAP – Back When Pluto Was a Planet is an expression used whenever one wants to talk about things in our recent past that have changed quickly. On August 24th, 2006, at the closing ceremony of their general assembly, the