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    ...Blurring the boundaries between the tangible gallery and the transitory Internet, Net:Reality merges the ethereal notions of cyber space with the aesthetics of a physical exhibition. Seven leading UK artists engaged in Internet and New Media practice have been...
  • ... in the hidden from extraneous universe of memory, in the illusory world of cinema and in laws of economic development, in space and in the inner circle of family.
  • ... experience. As secluded from the outside world as possible, they become immersed and physically involved in the pictorial spaces by means of interactive elements and additional devices. Widely compatible technologies, such as VR headsets and 3D...
  • ... orientation and movement of the objects, producing four large-scale projections as well as musical scores that move in the space with the movement of objects. The Production, Installation, and Performance (PIP) Projects are funded by the Chris ’49 and...
  • ... Ikeda's commission for DREAM AMSTERDAM which lit the city's Vondel Park, Van Gogh Museum, Wastergasfabrick cultural space and Java Island. In April Ikeda presents +/− [the infinite between 0 and 1], his first major retrospective at the Museum of...
  • ... part of a larger food production processes and labour, ‘This one’s for the farmer’ draws new representations. In contrasting space, time, labour and farming through the creation of a conceptual series, Borda attempts to create a contemporary dialogue about farming...
  • ... MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL reflects on the increasing presence of massive-infrastructures with digital visual elements in public spaces while investigating their communicative function in the urban environment. The festival will show especially developed art...
  • ... of Independents. For this free arts festival, Tate Modern is inviting 70 of the world's most innovative independent art spaces to take over the Turbine Hall. The festival will fill the iconic space, as well as the Starr Auditorium, with an eclectic mix of...
  • ... appreciation of new media art, the MIMAF brings in a lot of creative works allowing participants to immerge into the virtual space and experience the electronic occupation of art and architecture. The works will also serve to raise questions on how new...
  • Haunted Media -
    ... body & consciousness across the universe in the same way that the internet is seen to have done more recently – creating a space for disembodied communication. TV & video similarly were seen to create an ‘uncanny interactive zone’ between screen and reality,...