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  • The "UFF" situation took place in Graz, Austria from 17-22 May 2013 and was concerned with food generally, and more specifically with the industrialisation of Austrian farming practices and the impact of this on animal welfare, the environment, and
  • The 10th Birthday of UpStage was celebrated on 9-10 January 2014 with three performances, a symposium on remote collaboration, a planning meeting and the launch of UpStage v3. The event was supported by CityLink (who provided free wifi), the venue
  • [in time time] -
    [in time time] is an installation involving large digital prints and two new media works: a split-screen video titled [8-bits], and a context aware, interactive installation titled [ping-pong-flow]. The pieces are bound together by their related
  • Art in Motion. 100 Masterpieces with and through Media ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe Curated by Peter Weibel, Siegfried Zielinski Sat, 14.07.2018 – Sun, 10.02.2019 Opening: 13.07.2018, Friday at 7 pm. Atrium 1+2
  • ... Polonca Lovs(in, Joanna Maxellon, Katharina Meldner, Lucy...
  • ... Emilie Brout & Maxime Marion, Patra Cortright,...
  • In Medias Res -
    Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke, Banz & Bowinkel, Malte Bartsch, Mariechen Danz, Angela Fette, Hans Haacke, Konsortium (Lars Breuer, Sebastian Freytag, Guido Münch), Reiner Maria Matysik, Theresa Schubert, Anja Schwörer kuratiert von Ursula
  • ‘This one’s for the farmer’ encompasses five bodies of work. Each set of work has been produced with the farming community as a partner. While the title seems to exclude the art viewer, the whole body of work is about enticing viewers to take a
  • We are always in partnership with someone or something. The issue is what we are explicit about; who, what we collaborate with. For more than 25 years Patrick Lichty has created work about mediation, networked society, and how that process of
  • Exhibition of 20 Micro Arts Group prints, including generative art from Geoff Davis and Martin Rootes, and a story generator by Geoff Davis. The print magazine was also shown, which had the first ever view of Quantel art, by French artist Michèle