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  • Misused Media -
    ...Event: Misused MediaInstitution: University of Applied Arts, ViennaComment:
  • ...The exhibition REIMAGINE TOMORROW, 1954-2024, showcases a glimpse of how artists work with technology in their time and what happens to art on the path from thinking to hallucinating machines.
  • Easter hack -
    ... video game, etc., and is revealed by an obscure sequence of keystrokes or commands. This Easter Saturday you can join media artist & open source advocate Andreas Zingerle (AT) and AI feminist & digital culture researcher Linda Kronman (FI), as they discuss...
    ... expanded reality. The boundaries between physical and virtual space are increasingly blurred. It is this phenomenon that the artist MONOCOLOR addresses in his work SCREEN—SPACE, which he created especially for the State Gallery of Lower Austria. In his...