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  • ...URBAN SCREENS conference at Cornerhouse + media art events in public space Manchester, UK, October 2007
  • ...Event: Summer exhibition (24.06.2017 until Sept. 2017)Institution: THE VIEW Contemporary Art SpaceComment:
  • ...Event: THE VIEW Contemporary Art CollectionInstitution: THE VIEW Contemporary Art SpaceComment:
  • ...T_FEAR presents the artistic research project Inviting Horror by Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat in which the experience of fear in public space is investigated. In a world in which daily activity is monitored through electronic technologies marked by networked...
  • ...Cadence was screened daily in the artists’ animated film programme curated by Professor Suzie Hanna for the micro-kino outdoor cinema space, featuring animations that respond to the themes of nature and journey, specially created for the Sculpture Trail (1 to 30 August...
  • ... and site-specific works from the series 'Form.Code.Maps', which translate areas of experience such as landscape, body, space, atmosphere into fluctuating computer-generated 3-D lenticular images. Introduction: Gerfried Stocker, Director of the Ars...
  • Home Transnfer -
    ... contemporary practices in people's everyday lives. It reveals the psychological and physiological impact imposed by virtual space and automation on being at home. HOME TRANSFER features streaming video of architects discussing a cultural paradigm where...
  • The Unframed World -
    ... a controller and body movement. As an active component and central point, the viewer or user moves around in the illusionary space and senses a self-presence as well as the proportions and dimensions of the surroundings. In the exhibition, the visitor...
  • Media Facades -
    ... BERLIN 2008 is an innovative project, engaging a wide range of stakeholders with distinctive interests in the public space. Through round tables, a workshop, panel sessions, lectures, urban screenings on media facades and an architecture exhibition...
  • ...ent: Solo Exhibition - featuring "Interactive Plant Growing", "Phototropy", "Escape", "Excavate"Institution: THE VIEW Contemporary Art SpaceComment: