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  • Event: Cheltenham Festival of literature 2000Institution: Cheltonham festival of literatureComment:
  • Event: The Battle of ChickamaugaInstitution: Photographic Resource CenterComment:
  • Event: RRF 2004---XP, under "the Program Channel"Institution:
  • Event: Web of lifeInstitution: China Millenium Monument MuseumComment:
  • Event: Transposition: Motion is Action - An International Media Art ExhibitionInstitution: National Art Museum of ChinaComment:
  • Media Forum 2006 -
    During preparation to this year MEDIA FORUM Alexey Isaev (1960-2006), our ideological leader and theoretician, died. This tragedy brought us to two immanent conclusions: • dedicate MEDIA FORUM 2006 to Alexey Isaev memory; • select as a theme for the
  • The leading theme of the WRO 01 Biennale, SCREENS expresses the character of the media art's present state. On one hand it seems appealed by fast development of cognitive horisons and expression of new communication spaces, and on the other
  • Windows -
    Windows, Musee National Marc Chagall, Nice, France, December 1, 2007– February 28, 2008
  • Event: Gender Check - Femininity and Masculinity in the Art of Eastern EuropeInstitution: MUMOK - Museum of Modern Art Ludwig FoundationComment:
  • Event: The File RoomInstitution: Chicago Cultural CenterComment: