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  • ... Commission Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). Artists will show aesthetic concepts of digital culture and new interactive media formats.
  • Morphologies -
    ...Event: MorphologiesInstitution: iCinema (Centre for Interactive Cinema Research)Comment:
  • Blue Stage -
    ...Sound, film, music, photography and images, text: the Blue Stage interactive installation presents an innovative model for the multimedia representation of cultural themes. Here, new kinds of interaction of between man and networked knowledge are tried out. The visitor...
  • ... Commission Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). Artists will show aesthetic concepts of digital culture and new interactive media formats. Some of the topics that symbolize the influence of information technology on patterns of life and work in...
  • The leading theme of the WRO 01 Biennale, SCREENS expresses the character of the media art's present state. On one hand it seems appealed by fast development of cognitive horisons and expression of new communication spaces, and on the other
  • ...Event: Dynamic Space and Interactive practicesInstitution: conférence et workshop, University of StuttgartComment:
  • ...Event: Créations InteractivesInstitution: Carrefour de l'image de l'Océan IndienComment:
  • Interactive Domains -
    ...Event: Interactive DomainsInstitution: Wood Street GalleriesComment:
  • ... on art and its impact on society through new forms of representation such as digital imaging, multimedia, the virtuality, interactive installations and networks. ISEA2000 includes: - An international Symposium at the Forum des images from December the 7th...
  • ...Event: Interactive and VR creationsInstitution: World@rt, VRCenter NordComment: