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  • "Unaussprechbarlich" was presented at the "Magdalena München - In Between" weekend, October 2016. Previously it was presented at Schwere Reiter Theater and Lothringer13 (both in Munich).
  • Event: ISEA 2016 Hong Kong International Symposium on Electronic ArtInstitution: ISEA InternationalComment:
  • Noite Branca MG -
    Event: Noite Branca MGInstitution: Função Clóvis SalgadoComment:
  • Kunstfrühling 2014 -
    Marcello Mercado Van Gogh Variationen Die Installation setzt sich mit der Beziehung zwischen biologischen, technologischen und künstlerischen Formen auseinander. Mittels eines Systems von Datentransformation und –übersetzung, das in der Erschaffung
  • 24h Social -
    Event: 24h SocialInstitution: Counterpath GalleryComment:
  • Event: Currents New Media FestivalInstitution: CURRENTS: SANTA FE INTERNATIONAL NEW MEDIA FESTIVALComment:
  • Event: Re:Trace - 7th Conference for the Histories of Media Art, Science and TechnologyInstitution: Society for the Histories of Media Art, Science and TechnologyComment:
  • In the Open -
    Event: In the OpenInstitution: Sheffield Institute of Arts GalleryComment:
  • New Shorts: Experiments Leftfield & Luscious programme and the LSFF showcase of the best new experimental short film (14 January 2018)
  • 40JAHREVIDEOKUNST.DE Teil 2 Joseph Beuys, Wolf Kahlen, Ulrike Rosenbach, Holger Czukay, Anna Oppermann, Klaus vom Bruch, Walter Schröder-Limmer, Bazon Brocks, Gerry Schum, Jörg Herold, Michael Morgner, Lutz Dammbeck, Ulrich Rückriem, Klaus Rinke,