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  • Interactive Garden -
    curated by Erkki Huhtamo
  • ...Event: Interactive Futures 05Institution: Victoria International Film FestivalComment:
  • Interactive Frictions -
    ...Event: Interactive FrictionsInstitution: University of Southern CaliforniaComment:
  • Interactive Domains -
    ...Event: Interactive DomainsInstitution: Wood Street GalleriesComment:
  • ...Event: Interactive Art ExhibitionInstitution: Tenpozan MuseumComment:
  • ...Event: Interactive and VR creationsInstitution: World@rt, VRCenter NordComment:
  • ... linked to the effects of technologies on our lives and causes an anthropological revolution through the presence of interactive systems that modify our perception of the world. In the last twenty years, daily life is moving more and more towards...
  • ... GAMEWORLD and PLAYWARE, that reflected respectively on the different playful and social sides of gaming creativity and interactive art, HOMO LUDENS LUDENS now sets the setting that embraces these data and looks into the notion of play in a wider...
  • Haunted Media -
    ... have done more recently – creating a space for disembodied communication. TV & video similarly were seen to create an ‘uncanny interactive zone’ between screen and reality, in which the supernatural could reside. At our current point in time, when analogue media...