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  • In der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde die Kategorie des Schönen einem radikalen Wandel unterworfen. Das vertraute klassische Schönheitsideal, insbesondere der ideale schöne athletische Körper in der Nachfolge der Antike, wurden vom Diskurs der
  • Event: Paul DeMarinis: the Edison Effect and other worksInstitution: Art Center College of DesignComment:
  • Event: Emerging Media, Memory and Recollection, Jim Campbell and Paul DeMarinisInstitution: Foster GalleryComment:
  • Paul DeMarinis -
    Event: Paul DeMarinisInstitution: Richard L. Nelson Art GalleryComment:
  • "Stair Procession" -
    This site-specific installation was curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev as part of P.S.1’s Vertical Painting series initiated by Alanna Heiss in 1997. Created for P.S.1’s northwest stairwell, Stair Procession is a white-on-black drawing similar to
  • Event: DECODEInstitution: VSMM - International Society on Virtual Systems and MultiMediaComment:
  • Event: FILE - Electronic Language International Festival 2000Institution: FILE - Electronic Language International FestivalComment:
  • This year, EMAF’s congress – under the motto "European Digital Visions" – focused on the cultural self-image of our mediatised society including the i2tv live Demonstrator session with six on-line participants, on-site audience and the on-site
  • Event: Excavated Sounds: Paul DeMarinisInstitution: Otso GalleryComment:
  • Under the theme of "Revelation", ISEA2000 explored the effects of the technological revolution on art and its impact on society through new forms of representation such as digital imaging, multimedia, the virtuality, interactive installations and