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  • ... patients either died during the sleep or awoke from it with varying degrees of impairment ranging from permanent amnesia to...
  • INSN(H)AK(R)ES -
    ...Event: INSN(H)AK(R)ESInstitution: Casa da Cultura Percy Vargas de Abreu LimaComment:
  • ...Event: Variety Theater, Los Angeles:Institution: Interactive Media FestivalComment:
  • William Kentridge -
    ... cupboard, a still life, a curiosity box, and a number of other variations of container. Ongoing physical metamorphosis is at the...
  • ... that documents the historical trajectory of those many and variegated cinematic experiments that prefigure, inform and...
  • ... of international video culture and to represent a rich variety of genres – productions, sculptures, or selections from fields...
  • ...
  • ...Event: VARIATION MEDIA ART FAIR 2017Institution: ArtJawsComment:
  • ...Event: White Cube AlphaInstitution: Variation-Media Art FairComment:
  • ...Event: Lagoglyphs: The Bunny VariationsInstitution: Black Box Gallery Comment: