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  • ... showcases the most representative works from the Eve Clone series of recent years, including video installations, multimedia interactive art, holographic photography, and mixed-media works. Her works present insightful views and thoughts about the...
  • [in time time] -
    ... involving large digital prints and two new media works: a split-screen video titled [8-bits], and a context aware, interactive installation titled [ping-pong-flow]. The pieces are bound together by their related concerns: adult/child interactions,...
  • The leading theme of the WRO 01 Biennale, SCREENS expresses the character of the media art's present state. On one hand it seems appealed by fast development of cognitive horisons and expression of new communication spaces, and on the other
  • Water e-Motion: Transformative Views, paper and online presentation by Lila Moore
  • ...Event: Vision interactive, des Quarxs à Art ImpactInstitution: Prix ItaliaComment:
  • ...Event: Virtual Unreality – Interactive Artworks on the Virtual FrontierInstitution: ExploratoriumComment:
  • ... video culture and to represent a rich variety of genres – productions, sculptures, or selections from fields like interactive media and computer animation that break down boundaries.
  • 1999 Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain Website: (Verbarium is unfortunately offline at the moment due to a service provider change) - Paris, France
  • ...Event: Variety Theater, Los Angeles:Institution: Interactive Media FestivalComment:
  • ...Event: Utopie et création interactiveInstitution: Utopi@Comment: