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  • Event: Arte OnlineInstitution: Companhia Telefônica de São PauloComment:
  • By 1994, EMAF had already evolved into one of the largest annual events for innovative experimental works in the areas of film, video and interactive projects. Compared to the created reality of television and the colourful media design of digital
  • In 1996, the festival was still held in September, unlike later, when it was traditionally held in spring. This year, the film programme was put together in cooperation with the Swiss Film, Video and Multimedia Festival VIPER. It presented
  • In Conversation -
    In November 1997, on Duke Street in Brighton, passers-by encountered an animated mouth projected onto the pavement. Through loudspeakers they could also hear a voice trying to strike up a conversation (the voice was made up of text to speech
  • Event: Permanent collection: "Life Spacies" (online interaction)Institution: ICC (Intercommunication Center)Comment:
  • StarDotStar -
    Event: StarDotStarInstitution: Site GalleryComment:
  • Digital98 -
    ASCI is pleased to give these digital works a venue both online as a permanent online exhibition, and displayed in the Technology Gallery at the New York Hall of Science and then in the Brooks Design Center Gallery at Cooper Union in Manhattan.
  • MAP = Media Arts Plaza is the official site which supports creative activities and development of media arts. Starting with an offering for subscriptions, announcement of award-winning works, information about exhibition of award-winning works,
  • Event: "Perhaps" Online ReadingInstitution: the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)Comment:
  • Online exhibition of Web-based work curated by Walker Art Center.