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  • ...Event: Oeuvres interactivesInstitution: Conservatoire National des Arts et MétiersComment:
  • ...Event: Créations InteractivesInstitution: Carrefour de l'image de l'Océan IndienComment:
  • ...Event: Créations interactives et réalité virtuelleInstitution: Observatoire des politiques culturelles, Le MagasinComment:
  • ...Event: Créations interactivesInstitution: IIème symposium mondial des technologies de l'information (FWS) Comment:
  • ... showcases the most representative works from the Eve Clone series of recent years, including video installations, multimedia interactive art, holographic photography, and mixed-media works. Her works present insightful views and thoughts about the...
  • Haunted Media -
    ... have done more recently – creating a space for disembodied communication. TV & video similarly were seen to create an ‘uncanny interactive zone’ between screen and reality, in which the supernatural could reside. At our current point in time, when analogue media...
  • ... and on-line configurations. Another central focus will be on works that explore creative approaches to the design of interactive non-linear narrative content. Besides the installation works, the ZKM will use its Media Theater to present a number...
  • ... from the outside world as possible, they become immersed and physically involved in the pictorial spaces by means of interactive elements and additional devices. Widely compatible technologies, such as VR headsets and 3D projectors, play an...
  • ... REALITY deal with the production of space in the digital age in various media. This includes the virtual spaces of immersive interactive large-scale projections (Tamiko Thiel), performances and exhibitions in Second Life (Gazira Babeli and Patrick Lichty),...
  • ... Commission Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). Artists will show aesthetic concepts of digital culture and new interactive media formats. Some of the topics that symbolize the influence of information technology on patterns of life and work in...