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  • In only its second year, VideoFest has become the largest european video festival. Video is a young artform; from the beginning, it has been a reaction to the “brave new world” of the highly technical mass societies with all their computers, nuclear...
  • WRO 89
    Event: WRO 89Institution: WRO Center for Media ArtComment:
  • The European Media Art Festival was held under this name for the first time in the European Film and Television Year of 1988. The concept envisaged offering visitors and participating artists an informative programme by jointly presenting different...
  • In September 1989, for the second time Osnabrück hosted the European Media Art Festival, a forum that aimed to show and create free artistic spaces. Against the backdrop of media history, the intention of EMAF was to critically reflect upon the claim...
  • Universusmulti -
    Event: UniversusmultiInstitution: UCSComment:
  • a retrospective -
    Event: a retrospectiveInstitution: Museum of Contemporary ArtComment:
  • Event: American History ReinventedInstitution: Aperture FoundationComment:
  • Processes gathered a compendium of works that used the new Tools and technological media of the moment showing new ways to create, capture, process, transmit and store informational content. In this Exhibition is evidenced the disappearance of the...
  • Event: Procesos: cultura y nuevas tecnologíasInstitution: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina SofíaComment:
  • Event: A 1000 K –Daniel García Andújar and Pablo Menénez, with an openning performance 'A velas vir (Trencabodys)' by Dois CorunhêssesInstitution: SargadelosComment: